Wednesday 29 February 2012

Design documentation started!

Im currently working on completing a design document template for the game, this specific template has been used in the development of Tomb Raider and the Half life series. The first section, (which is what im working on at the moment) includes defining the game, what it is, who the main characters are and the general theme of the game. In just a few short paragraphs.

Getting this stage right is really important as it will give the reader a quick understanding on the game within a short couple of paragraphs. I have been advised that when sending this document to game studios its this part that they will read so its vital it is engaging and exciting!

I havent started mocking up any screenshots or concepts yet, this will come later. The plan is to get the document as detailed as possible first and then the concept art will follow. The fun part.

I will keep you posted on progress.

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