Wednesday 22 February 2012

First Blog Entry For Toy Defence (Working Title)

I have been working on the general concept for the game over the last couple of days now. After some hard thinking I have come up with an idea. The idea involves the player defending against a swarm of AI enemies, these will also be toys. Try to imagine Toy Story, mixed with Toy Soldiers, Call of Duty zombies and a tower defence game. I cant give too much away at this stage!

I have met with Steven Birch (Kingston University) and a few key developer contact at Sony Computer Enterainment to discuss this idea further. They have advised that I get a prototype up and running as fast as possible - so this is what im going to do!

As I will be the sole developer of the game there are going to be a number of limitations that Im going to have to deal with;
  • Time – clever planning and realistic decision on how to schedule time/learning.
  • Programming – What lang use – Unity pass probably
  • Physics Algorithms –
  • Animation timing
  • Swarms of characters
  • Diff toys
I have just started on the design documentation that I will use throughout the development of the game. I will hold off drawing up concepts / characters / weapons etc for the time being as I want to nail the mechanics of the game first as this will drive the assets.

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