Monday 26 March 2012

Toy Defense Movie Draft

I have been working on creating the movie for the Toy Defense game and have come up with this:
Please let me know what you think!
The logo will be a very similar but without the background shadows / render as the logo wil need to be placed on other items throughout its life.

Monday 19 March 2012

Toy Defense Logo has been created!

The logo for the game has been created, the idea was to have a cardboard cut out of the words ' Toy Defense'. The style is as if a child has cut out the letters from a cardboard box and hung them from the wall. The logo has been created in Maya, which invovled using a custom cartoon font. The geometry was created using Maya text function, this was then given a cardboard texture. A standard polygonal box was created to house the text. This was then all exported to Octane rendered in which the first logo was created.

An animation has also been created as the intro video, the letters sway in the wind naturally. The next stages are to create a toy helicopter and some toy soldiers in which will be dropping out of thelicopter.

Images / Videos to follow.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Design Documentation - Continued

Im still working on the design documentation of the game. I have now defined all of the game assets that will be created within Maya. This includes specifying the characteristics of the assets, including their size, texture size and any animations that will be required. I have also defined:
  • The weapons
  • Characters
  • Defence Structures
  • Enemies
  • Special Abilities

All of these have been listed in a table matrix. This will help me to ensure that when modelling I model all assets and their animations.

Over the next week I will be specifiying all of the game functions in more depth and looking at the sound assets that will be required.